Leticia Marquez-Magana's Fundraiser

Enable Chicana Latina Leaders in Science & Health!
Join me in supporting Chicana/Latinas for California's well-being
Including Chicanas/Latinas in science & health for California's well-being...
The typical Californian is a Chicana Latina, which means we are critical to California's well-being. In fact, the limited inclusion of Chicanas/Latinas in the science and health workforce can be linked to excess deaths in our state due to COVID-19.
Most of these deaths have been in the Latinx community and can be linked to underrepresentation of nurses, physicians, researchers, and research staff from Latinx populations. This lack of compositional representation worsens health disparities. It also exacerbates the inherent distrust of science & health by members of Latinx communities already marginalized by policies of neglect.
Chicana Latina Foundation (CLF) aims to redress these policies of neglect. We are a non-profit organization in Northern California that has supported first-generation college students, regardless of citizenship status, since 1977. We remain steadfast in seeking social justice and equity through our scholarship program, leadership institute, and alumnae network.
Please join me in supporting CLF efforts and our future scientists and healthcare providers. Any donation will go a long way to helping me meet my fundraising goal.